christmas twinkle

a string of coloured lights sparkle

on the grand old christmas tree

blinking in cycles and rhythms

they’re a beautiful sight to see

they twinkle steadily through sorrow

and they glitter through despair

regardless of what they witness

the lights shine constantly there

they light the way as a reminder

of this season of hope and cheer

it’s time to close another chapter

and embrace the promise of a new year

mirror, mirror

mirror, mirror, on the wall

would you catch me if i fall

take me to a world anew

if i could find the courage to step through

there’s no life for me left here

my heart’s a hackneyed, hollow sphere

i need somewhere that’s far away

away from the dirges of the day

mirror, mirror, gleaming bright,

do you only reflect the light

that shines around you, or are you a flame

that could dream me up another name

change my hair and change my face
transport me to some other place

and give me a new identity

distinguish who i was from who i’ll be

maybe then i’ll find my peace

when my old life grants me sweet release

i will remember that i owe it all

to that mirror, mirror, on the wall

traitors and lies

you’re a monster —

but you hide your lies

behind white-teethed smiles

and pretty lines

your words dipped in red,

they drip out of your mouth

like blood

why is it only i can see

the monster you are?

two-faced, truth-hidden,

with a necrotic, pus-filled heart

you hide, honey-coated,

inside a child’s nightmare

but i’ll always see you

for the monster you are


It was Christmas Eve

In a time long ago

The fires had burnt out

Their coals barely aglow

In the dim light remaining

One could barely see

The Angel who rested

On the grand Christmas Tree

She was an old one, this Angel

A relic long aged

Holding court every year

While the Christmas rush raged

Her name was Rosetta

She wore a dress of green tulle

And on the centre of her tiara

Rested a ruby-red jewel

It shone like the embers

In the spent fireplace

And lit up even more

When St Nick entered the space

He sipped on the milk

As Rosetta he greeted

“It’s been a long time, old friend,

Another year we’ve completed.”

He nibbled on cookies

As he told of his tales

With far-off lands and wonders

The silent Angel he regaled

Then he arranged all his presents

And returned to his sleigh

Leaving Rosetta to keep watch

On a brand-new Christmas Day


do you feel brave

when you push me down

knowing i can’t fight back?

you stand on a pedestal

adored, admired

you have everything others want

you don’t have to walk over me

to get it

do you feel empowered

when your words cut me down?

when tears bleed from my eyes?

when i’m too exhausted to answer back?

i thought only cowards

kicked the fallen

yet you’re crowned a hero

(by those who don’t know you)

they don’t feel the bruises

you leave in your wake

shut your mouth

be grateful, they say

if you can’t be happy

then be happy for me

those fair-weather friends fall short


as my enemies echo words i don’t want to hear:

play your part

shut your mouth

be a good girl
but they’ve forgotten

there’s a human under here, too

with the heart of a lioness


i roar


but no one listens

no one understands

the time it takes

the downs > ups

the grief you spend

agonising on things that never were

and never will be


the only thing they know is to say:

be a good girl

play your part

don’t think

don’t feel

be grateful, be happy


and for the love of god

keep your damn mouth shut

jilted at the altar

it was a crisp winter morning

when i heard the bells chime

echoing my heartbeat

it was here, this joyous time

i was dressed in all white

prepared to face that day

that promised so much happiness

before it was stolen away

i walked bravely down the aisle

though all the pews were bare

it mattered not to me that

there were no guests anywhere

i faced the future proudly

with all my poise and grace

but the groom who stood there waiting

did not bear your face

i was met with another

who seemed as surprised as I

but where were you, my love?

you left me, true, but why?

this stranger was a kind sir, though,

i knew this when he took my hand

and led me down a different path

than the one that we had planned

he helped me find a happiness

i’d never know with you

just like you never needed me

i’m better off without you, too